
· 培养皿厂,培养皿尺寸,培养皿型号,培养皿

1 尖端部分有准确的刻度。2 整个管子上刻度线标识清晰、准确。3 管子有不同的颜色,培养皿尺寸,易于分辨。4 顶部加粗型移液管可以存储更多容量的液体(1-25ml)。5 顶部加粗部分同样有准确、清晰的刻度标识。6 顶部加粗型移液管可有...



1 尖端部分有准确的刻度。

2 整个管子上刻度线标识清晰、准确。

3 管子有不同的颜色,培养皿尺寸,易于分辨。

4 顶部加粗型移液管可以存储更多容量的液体(1-25ml)。

5 顶部加粗部分同样有准确、清晰的刻度标识。

6 顶部加粗型移液管可有效避免取液过程中液体倒吸入助吸器内部。苏州乾芸仪器科技有限公司正向着“立足于品牌代理销售、基于自身的技术服务、新产品新品牌的开发”的伟大目标不断前进!在此谨对长期以来给与我们关注、理解和支持的各位客户朋友表示衷心的感谢!希望我们在产品供应资源、产品应用技术上的优势能够为您的科研项目、方案实施、问题的处理贡献点滴!

产品标题: 组织培养管TPP瑞士原装高品质组织培养管TPP tissue culture tubes are an extension to the tissue culture flask product range.

The features of the unique tissue culture flat tube 10

Multifunctional: cultivation,培养皿型号, incubation, examination under microscopy,培养皿, centrifugation...

concial shape of the tube eases the removal of the pellet

10 cm2 surface activated growth area with new surface quality resulting in crystal clear transparency

large opening for complete access of pipettes and scrappers

great clarity for visual control with inverse microscopes

sloped and flattened upper side results in reduced refraction

centrifugation in a 50 ml standard adapter at 1200 g

segmental packaging of 4 protects the individual tubes of scratches during transportation and handling

bag slits with laser perforation for easy opening mechanism

The corresponding TPP tissue culture rack fits 8 x tubes in a horizontal position for storage in a CO2 incubator.

Features of the tissue culture tube 20:

20 cm2 surface activated growth area

growth area over a length of  50 mm

volume graduations up to the tip

specially formed 10-sided comb from ?VENT? screw cap with “Click” avoids inadvertent rolling and enables regaining previous positions

a click to the lock position and the ?VENT? screw cap is in the aeration position, which guarantees constant air flow even when the tube is in vertical position.

fits a 15 ml standard tube adapter, can be spun up to 1'200 g

convenient re-closable zipper bag with laser perforation

